raja ji national park

Raja Ji National Park

Raja ji national park is Known for its elephant inhabitant. Situated at the Himalayan foothills, near Haridwar, Rishikesh and Dehradun, along Ganga and Song rivers. The park is known for its scenic beauty and rich bio-diversity.

Raja ji Natioanl Park History

Raja Ji National Park is in Uttarakhand. The park’s picturesque beauty and prosperous biodiversity act as its major attractions for nature enthusiasts and wildlife lovers. In 1983, Raja Ji Wildlife Sanctuary of Uttarakhand was combined with Motichur and Chilla wildlife sanctuaries and made into Raja Ji National Park. The park is named after Late Sri C. Rajgopalachari (also known as Raja Ji), a famous independence warrior and foremost governor-general of India. Rajaji National Park of India extends over 820.42 sq km and is open to guests only from 15 November to 15 June.

raja ji national park
raja ji national park

Raja Ji national park location

Raja Ji National Park is located along the hills of Shivalik ranges in the Himalayas foothill and displays the Shivalik ecosystem. They are connecting three sanctuaries, namely Chilla, Motichur, and Raja Ji.

Rajaji National Park is outstretched over the Pauri Garwal, Dehradun, and Saharanpur sections of Uttarakhand. Rajaji and Motichur sanctuaries are separated from the Chilla zone to the southeast by the Ganges and the Chilla River. 

Motichur and Raja Ji wildlife sanctuaries lie north and south of the Siwalik. They are cut up by many gorges carrying water from the main ridge, becoming large boulder-filled streams in the plains. These Brook remain dry for most of the year but become raging torrents during the monsoon. This area is a varied forest ranging from semi-green to deciduous and mixed broad-leaved to terai grassland. It has been classified as Indus-Ganges Monsoon Forest type. The lofty shore of sal dominates in many parts. 

raja ji national park
raja ji national park

Raja Ji is a residence to birds species found in forested foothills and empty grassland. Its area is a shift zone between unadulterated western Himalayas and the central Himalayas improves the species variety and consequently the viewing prospects. Raja Ji’s checklist has about 400 avian species. It includes birds like Greater Scaup, White-naped Woodpecker, Great Hornbill, Pallas’s Fish Eagle, Black-bellied Tern, Northern Goshawk, Yellow-billed Blue Magpie, Black-necked Stork etc.

Birding in Rajaji can be around the various forest rest houses on the 26 Km forest drive at Chilla across grassland and mixed forests along the Phanduwala – Kansrao – Motichur trail. This 40 km trail goes through uninterrupted stretches of dense forest. The Suswa river races collateral to these three connecting forest ranges and dots the park’s northern boundary. A Forest road connects Asarori to Motichur via Phanduwala and Kansrao. This Road can be from the Asarori gate opposite Karvapani gate on the SH-DD highway from where Phanduwala is about 10 km. A Different way is from Ramgarh gate near Clement Town. This route goes through the Mathurawala swamps beside Suswa river to reach Phanduwala.

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