Attribute or state of Purity:-
Freedom from tainted material
Clarity or cleanliness
Liberation from vice or sin, innocence, and virginity
Freedom from elements that corrupt
Absence of white mixture; saturation of colour

PURE SOUL: Why is Purity essential?
Purity is crucial.
But pursuing Purity in this world seems to go against the grain of cultural consensus.
Are you able to retain Purity in this life even if you were to obtain it?
Purity is indeed attainable.
Here are some essential aspects to keep in mind in your purity inquiry.
Replace Your Heart
We are not naturally pure beings.
Along with having dirty deeds, we also have unclean souls from which our impure actions spring.
Our original parents, Adam and Eve, introduced evil and death to the earth when they disobeyed God’s word and sinned.
Since then, we have inherited our rebellious, sinful minds, which poison all of our deeds.
Pursuing a pure lifestyle without a pure heart is equivalent to merely washing the outside of a dirty dish—the mess is inside!
Cleaning the outside comes after cleaning the inside.
We require a transformation of the heart.
Only through acknowledging your rebellion against God’s will and asking for forgiveness through trust in the almighty is essential Purity achievable.
PURE SOUL : Controlling Thyself
Self-control aids in your ascent to Purity.
You still need to guard your heart to grow virtue after you have replaced your rebellious nature with one that wants to respect God.
Watch over your heart with all persistence, for the springs of life flow from it.
You shouldn’t any longer indulge unclean cravings by directing your life toward Purity.
Avoid enticing influences, including ending relationships, getting rid of harmful items, switching employment, and more.
Establish boundaries for your conduct and prepare an exit route to prevent engaging in wrongdoing.

Examining what we want
Our desires influence what we say and do.
For example, do we cherish what God cherishes and detest what God detests?
Do we aspire to chastity all our days?
Then put up our best effort to acquire and preserve our innocence.
One should not treat this undertaking casually.
Pursue what is true and correct, and run away from what is not.
Being responsible.
We require the power of God in our life, and we also need a loving environment to guide us toward Purity.
Being alone—on a device, late at night, or in other tempting situations—can easily lead to poor decisions.
We typically behave more wisely when we are aware that someone is looking.
Purity is something to strive towards
You will never be perfect in this life, but you can improve.
Through small and significant successes, you can discover joy in pursuing Purity.
Your current situation is not ideal.
You are not there yet.
Analyze your progress toward becoming like the almighty by comparing yourself to that supreme energy.
Keep going forward with these things as you strive for Purity.

PURE SOUL: Purity Brings Eternal Peace
Holy beings are respected worldwide since holiness is a highly esteemed attribute.
Holiness or moral excellence leads to lofty ideas and selfless activities that offer tranquillity and fulfilment.
Reading the holy texts or doing religious rituals won’t make you holy.
It results from the soul’s purification, which takes the form of uplifting ideas, kind emotions, and pure goals.
Only when we accept that we are a soul—a conscious point of light and the seat of consciousness—whose expression takes place through the physical medium of the body can the task of spiritual purification begin.
The soul is what causes thought, speech, and action.
Most people may find it challenging to maintain clean thoughts and sentiments. But it gets simpler when we begin to recognize ourselves and others as souls and live with that awareness.
Because the soul is initially pure, this is the case. Knowing our spiritual identities aids us in assuming traits inherent to the soul. For example, Purity, much as our self-image, impacts our behaviour.
Purity brings about peace and contentment by default.
Contentment and tranquillity are born from Purity.
The constant state of happiness is a mark of a pure soul.
Because we are unaware that Purity is the foundation and the source, most of us continue to look for serenity and happiness.
They only feel momentary calm and joy because their basis of Purity is fragile.
Just as children can’t remain without their mothers, so do pure souls naturally experience peace and contentment.
Any happiness experienced in the lack of Purity is not only fleeting but is accompanies concern and a fear of losing it.
There cannot be tranquilly where there is anxiety or fear.
On the other side, there is no sadness where the forces of Purity, serenity, and happiness are present.
We can see things clearly when our minds are pure and at peace, just like a lake’s clear, tranquil waters.
So there aren’t any questions or pointless speculations taking our time or energy.
Any impurity, including ego, greed, or jealousy, can weave a mental maze of uncertainty, erroneous reasoning, and agitation, all resulting in misery.
Purity is the cure for everything.
The elixir gives us what the soul requires for enduring happiness.

The widespread notion is that a soul is “the immaterial part or essence of a human being”. In various religious and philosophical traditions soul has always been a subject of high interest. Evidence suggests that prehistoric peoples understood the soul, mentioned in Hebrew, Egyptian, and Chinese traditions.
Only humans have immortal souls, according to Judaism and some Christian sects. Although immortality is debated within Judaism, Plato may have influenced the concept of immortality.
For instance, Thomas Aquinas claimed that all organisms had a “soul” (anima), but only human souls are immortal, quoting Aristotle from On the Soul.
According to several religions, including Hinduism and Jainism, all living creatures, including bacteria and animals, have souls (Atman, jiva) and a physical representation (the body) in the world.
The body is just a vehicle. Our soul is the true self.
Soul: Various Interpretations
The Sanskrit term “atman” denotes one’s inner self or soul.
Atman is the first principle in Hindu philosophy, notably in the Vedanta school of Hinduism, the true self of a person beyond connection with phenomena, the core of a person.
According to Advaita Vedanta, a person must develop Atma jnana, or self-knowledge, to achieve liberation (moksha). Atma jnana entails realizing that one’s actual self, or atman, is equal with the transcendent self, Brahman.
The six orthodox schools of Hinduism hold that every living thing possesses atman, or self or essence.
Jainism’s idea of jiva is comparable to that of atman in Hinduism.
However, other Hindu traditions distinguish between the two ideas, viewing the jiva as the individual self and the atman as the eternal self. It permeates all living things as the metaphysical Brahman.
Sometimes, the latter is referred to as the “jiva-atman” (a soul in a living body)

Buddhism holds that “intentional action” or karma exists.
Buddhists aspire to enlightenment, a better future by good deeds. Therefore, it teaches to pursue moral behaviour with focus and wisdom.
The Eightfold Path, which encompasses right speech, right living, and right concentration, lays out these virtuous deeds.
While evil deeds will have the reverse consequence, good deeds will lead to a more incredible rebirth.
Rebirth could take the shape of a ghost, a demi-god, a god, an animal, or even a person or animal. It all depends on the deeds committed in the previous life.
Enlightenment, also known as Nirvana, is the process of escaping samsara.
Buddhists believe when one attains Nirvana, he leaves the body and will no longer experience rebirth.
The Buddha asserted that Buddhists perceive reality as they attain Nirvana.
Nirvana means realizing and accepting the Four Noble Truths and becoming alert to reality.
Some Buddhists think that enlightened people can decide to be reborn to aid others in attaining enlightenment.
Others think that when one attains Nirvana, the cycle of samsara comes to a stop.

Why do Buddhists reject the idea of souls or an all-powerful creator God?
Buddhism holds that nothing is everlasting. Everything is in flux. This rules out the existence of things like eternal gods or souls. Contrary to other religions, Buddhism does not hold to the notion of an immortal soul or a creator God.
Buddhists hold that neither a permanent person nor a soul exists. Buddhists sometimes refer to reincarnated energy rather than souls because there is no timeless, eternal essence or soul.
The Buddha advised his followers to have no fear of dying.
Buddhists interpret this to mean that if people live well, their reincarnation will also be fabulous.
The Buddha could remember his previous life after attaining enlightenment.
The Buddhist text, the Jataka, contains descriptions of some of these prior incarnations.
Mahayana Buddhism conveys lessons about life beyond death.
The Wheel of Existence depicts the various realms that Buddhists think one can reincarnate.
Every living thing, including humans, bacteria, and plants, has a soul. This idea is the religion’s fundamental tenet.
According to Jainism, a soul’s existence has no origin or end.
It is eternal and recasts into many forms as it approaches release.
According to Jainism, jiva is a living thing’s eternal essence or soul. Therefore, it survives physical death, including humans, animals, fish, and plants.
Ajiva – “not a soul”- stands for matter (including the body), time, space, motion, and non-motion.
A Jiva is either samsari (mundane and trapped in a cycle of rebirths) or Mukta in Jainism (liberated).
According to this theory, a soul attaches to one of these bodies based on karma (past deeds). It remains in the body until it is freed from the samsara (cycle of recurrent birth and death).
Whatever state the soul is in, it possesses the same features and attributes.
The traits and attributes of a Siddha (liberated soul):
Broken free from all karmic ties
Fully expressed in contrast to a non-liberated soul
whose manifestation of these qualities and characteristics is only half complete.
The term “arihants” refers to souls who defeat evil emotions while still existing in physical bodies.
Jains believe:
- the soul exists permanently
- each soul is always free
- the soul is responsible for what it does
- the soul experiences the outcomes of its actions
- the soul can evolve from the cycle of birth and death
- not all souls get free – some souls are inherently incapable of achieving this
- the soul can grow towards that liberation by following principles of behaviour
Liberated/Free Souls
Jivas who have attained liberation are perfect creatures with limitless knowledge, infinite perception, infinite power, and infinite bliss but no physical bodies.
Liberated jivas, although similar to gods, are significantly dissimilar from the popular conception of gods.
When a being passes away, its soul quickly moves on to its next body.
The body here might not even be human or animal.
Its karma at that moment determines the quality of its subsequent lives.
The person’s emotions at the time of death are also significant. The best end is peaceful and content with the mind on spiritual things.
In Baháʼí Faith
According to the Bahá Faith, “the soul is a sign of God”. A heavenly diamond that even the most learned men have failed to understand. Even the most acute mind was unable to unravel its secret.
According to Bahá’u’lláh, the soul is immortal and does not just carry on being even after the physical death of the human body.
Hell is a condition of separation from God, and heaven is a soul’s state of proximity to God.
Each stage results naturally from an individual’s attempts—or lack thereof—to grow spiritually.

According to theological and philosophical traditions, a person’s soul is their essential nature.
It provides us with our uniqueness and humanity.
Therefore, in this context, having a pure soul refers to someone whose sense of self is untarnished or uncorrupted by all the adverse events happening in the world.
Some claim that babies have such pure souls because of this.
Their souls have not yet been exposed to and shaken by societal evils.
For instance, in Jainism, pure souls are the ones who are “liberated.”
They are free of all karma’s impurities.
They have freed themselves from vices like lust, rage, greed, and other things that taint the soul.
Are you a PURE SOUL?
Test yourself :
PURE SOUL: Are you constantly willing to lend a hand to others?
A kind spirit would step in and offer their assistance without hesitation, but most individuals would weigh the positives and negatives of doing so first.
They don’t consider the benefits of supporting that person.
They offer assistance because they believe it is the proper thing to do.
Are you fair to everyone?
Pure spirits are not affected by social class, money, or race.
They view everyone as having equal rights and respect others as such.
You comprehend others from their perspective.
One of the essential traits of a person with a pure soul is empathy.
They can easily see through individuals because they don’t have evil intentions. Selfish motives don’t drive them.
They find it simple to adopt other people’s viewpoints and put themselves in their position.
Do you give without looking for a reward?
Pure spirits offer without expecting anything in return, just like aiding others.
A pure soul is always willing to share everything they have, whether it be things, time, or affection.
Does injustice make you angry?
A person with a pure soul cannot just watch injustice take place because they have a strong sense of justice and fairness.
To the best of their potential, they’ll make an effort to redress that wrong.
Do you feel empathy for animals?
The desire to save animals is one of the first indications of a pure soul.
Their hearts hurt when they see a hungry animal shivering through the streets.
Because of this, they’ll go to any lengths to provide these abandoned animals with a loving home.
Do you constantly see the positive in people?
Seeing the good in people can be challenging at times. It is because of how sceptical we have grown due to all that is happening in the world.
But a person with a pure soul will always see the positive.
A pure soul will always find something admirable about everybody, whether the pope or the most wanted criminal on the globe.
Do you apologize quickly?
Whether we like to confess it or not, humanity is not particularly good at expressing our sorry and acknowledging our mistakes.
Our pride emerges when we address our errors.
Requesting forgiveness takes a lot of courage and humility.
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